16 mayo 2013

You are not alone

People always hurt... even if they doesnt want to...
Sometimes when you feel sad and gray,
a blue sky will be waiting for you,
only for making you shine and bright.

Dont be scared for what happens in the future,
'cause it depends for the present you're gonna live,
forget all your doubts and breathe deep, only breathe...

When you fall sleep you'll find a feather
that will guide you to the paradise,
a new place to start again,
a new place to reborn, to forgive your sins.

Listen in silence to your heart,
it has a message written for you,
a message that your soul needs...

So, all you need is love to yourself,
no matter what have you made before
or how many tears your eyes have cried,
It's time to make a difference in your life!

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